the Play

The Turnaway Play is based on the dramatic real stories of people across the United States who were denied abortions, and those who received them.

Weaving together the Turnaway Study’s scientific conclusions with the experience of carrying an unwanted pregnancy, The Turnaway Play creates a cathartic educational safe space, to share personal abortion stories and talk about the issue of reproductive freedom.

The Turnaway Play only requires four people and 70 minutes to perform, and can be staged almost anywhere with just a few props. It also works great as a simple, dramatic reading — with little or no rehearsal time.

October 2024 is National Turnaway Play Month

This fall, we invite you to promote The Turnaway Play on socials and instigate as many performances / readings as possible. Join us, and let’s make a positive impact by the November elections!


We’ve created a DIY kit featuring everything you need to perform The Turnaway Play.



Turnaway is more than a play, it’s a movement. And everyone can join! Help to promote National Turnaway Play Month

Get The Social Kit
Spread the Truth